Josh Chesney, CDO

Glen Davison, COO
As we expand our mission and chase new horizons, we are proud to announce the appointment of Josh Chesney as Chief Digital Officer and Glen Davison as Chief Operating Officer. Together they will share the joint leadership responsibilities of CEO, allowing them each to play to their strengths.
These changes in our leadership align with our Vision and Mission as a company, as we aim to build better businesses (including our own). Ultimately, we are here to make people’s lives better and easier. That is to say, we’ll continue to pursue the audacious, out-there and unheard-of creative solutions. We actively reject the status quo, challenging the premise of the current state. We keep asking the question, ”why does tomorrow have to be like today?”
Our new Chief Digital Officer
In his new role as CDO, Josh will continue to guide the creative and strategic vision of Dauntless. As our chief “solutioneer”, he will lead our Crew of expert innovators, technologists, creatives and strategists to identify solutions that allow businesses to capitalise on opportunities. This means helping challenge and rebuild processes and tools, all while creating effective transformation strategies.
Our new Chief Operating Officer
With his extensive background in business and executive management, Glen has already helped the Dauntless Crew go faster. His next task is to make Dauntless operationally excellent, giving the Crew a greater ability to concentrate on creating the amazing business solutions we’ve become known for. His role includes managing the day-to-day operations of the company, while improving the financial and operational structure, processes, policies and stability of the business. In short, he will be leading and building on our culture of excellence and professionalism.

“The world is complex, ever-expanding, and constantly presenting new challenges and opportunities. Which makes this universe amazing, inspiring, and the coolest sandbox to play in. Glen’s capacity and hard-won skills enable the rest of us to play. To focus on achieving the seemingly impossible, the improbable, the unobtainable.“
“My brain works in a functional and operational way, while Josh is brilliant when it comes to creativity and digital strategy. It made sense to divvy up the work of the business to those who were best at it. So we decided play to our own strengths. We are doing what we’ve helped other people do for their businesses, we are pulling it apart and rebuilding it in a way that allows us to do more and better.”
A bit of background
Josh founded Dauntless in 2013 with his wife, Shelley Chesney. He has been the driving force leading the business’ transition from a traditional agency, to the specialised hybrid of digital creative agency, consulting firm and technical studio Dauntless is today.
Glen joined the company two years ago, originally as our Programme Director and then as Chief Strategy Officer. In his time with Dauntless, he has played a key role in embedding operational structure, project delivery, revised ways of working and basic governance across the business.
We are more Dauntless than ever before with Josh and Glen at the helm, and we are excited to see what awaits us over the horizon.
Dauntless aims to build better businesses; because ultimately we want to make people’s lives better.
As a specialised hybrid of digital creative agency, consulting firm and technical studio, we identify opportunities, develop solutions and engage audiences.
Our Crew of expert innovators, technologists, creatives and strategists are able to deliver a competitive edge for businesses globally, empowering them to save time and money and increase revenue by developing efficient, effective and customised solutions.
Dauntless has delivered change across a wide range of industries around the world and are proud to have enriched clients such as Apple, Amazon, Google, HSBC and Vodafone.